Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lea Michele Spring Awakening Videos and Pictures

Spring Awakening - 2007 Tony Awards - Lea Michele Jonathan Groff

Source : youtube

Glee - Lia Michelle - Spring Awakening T0pless , they had real, legitimate s3x every night on stage. Lea Michelle got an abortion once a month for her entire run on the show.

Lea Michele Spring Awakening Pictures

Lea Michele Spring Awakening

Lea Michele Spring Awakening

Lea Michele Spring Awakening

Lea Michele Spring Awakening

Lea Michele Spring Awakening

“Glee” actress Lea Michele scored the role of Spring Awakening In 2007. Therefore, even though these video and pictures are so old, they are still as newsworthy today as they were 6 years ago. I crossed referenced my copy of “Intro to Journalism”.